Monday, April 25, 2011

do not keep any animal

Jakarta, For those who like to keep farm animals or have a business, you should find out how to treat animals properly. Do not just keep animals for the owner is not exposed to zoonoses. 

Zoonoses are infectious diseases that occur naturally and are transmitted by animals to humans, but not close the possibility of human to animal. Zoonoses are divided into two: antropozoonosis infection from animals to humans and zooantroponosis infection from humans to animals. 

"So if you run out to buy a pet, stop by once to the bookstore to buy books right way of treating animals," said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) department of health, Prof.. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama SPP (K) in an informal discussion with representatives of religious organizations in the Building Department of Health, Jakarta, Monday (7/9/2009). 

Dr. Tjandra added a lot of diseases caused by animals and can be dangerous animals such as rabies from dog, bird flu from poultry animals, animal plague of rats, Toxoplasma from furry animals such as dogs or cats and other diseases. 

Zoonoses can be avoided by knowing how to care for a pet is properly and accurately, and maintaining cleanliness of the animals that want to be maintained, including cleaning his cage. 

"To avoid this can be done by these animals with good governance, find out what diseases can be caused by these animals and know how to take care of that right," said Dr. Tjandra. 

Zoonotic diseases more or less there are 150 species in the world, but in Indonesia there are about 50 species. For a particular disease will usually develops during the rainy season or after a flood is usually referred to as a seasonal disease, such as bubonic plague, leptospirosis and other diseases. 

So, for those who want meemlihara animals do not just happy to be invited to play alone maintain. But it also must know how to treat the right thing, so free from diseases that might be caused by the animals themselves. 



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