Sunday, May 8, 2011

Things that need to be avoided when a cat contest...

Before you paint obeying cat show or contest. You should make sure that your catqualifies. Usually a cat that has a sign below will direct didikualifikasi of the contest.

Nah! Here are the things that can make the cat was disqualified when the paint show.Hopefully not happen to your cat yes:

Cats are too aggressive.
Having testicular abnormalities
Cats who are ill
Cats who added cosmetic
Cats are no signs of illness (even though you feel no pain)
The female cat was nursing
Cats that are pregnant
Cat nail in amputation (revoked)
Deaf cat
Cats yangbuta

Although all the above are not 100% but In most of the above would be the terms. So it's best if you want to enter a contest cat peraturanya read carefully. That what willmake the cat is win, lose or even disqualified.

it is not funny when you join the contest. Committee Kodri "sorry sir / bu cat you do not qualify from us please try another time. " Busyet shame of it, let alone happen in public. People would say "Oh sorry tuh kok majika cats have not incompetent."

Fine! for those of you who are following the paint I pray successful show

source :

Maintaining a Safe Cat from Toxoplasma

One of the things feared by the owners of pets such as cats or dogs are infected with Toxoplasma. For that know-how to care for cats ways to avoid toxoplasmosis infection.

Some people choose cats as pets because it included a faithful animal, and animals that spoiled so nice to be stroked, and loved to play. But one thing that is feared when caring for a cat is infected with Toxoplasma.
Toxoplasma is a disease caused by infection with Toxoplasma gondii (T.gondii), which includes parasitic coccidian. In people who have normal immune system function may include mild infections experienced.
But if you attack people who have disorders of the immune system so the infection may be more severe and causes symptoms such as fever and enlarged lymph nodes.But in some people does not show symptoms and be detected only when melakuakn blood test.
Some things could be the cause of a person infected with the parasite Toxoplasma, as quoted from Kidshealth, Friday (02/18/2011), namely:
Touch or contact with feces of animals such as cats or dogs that are infected. Cats usually get this infection if you eat rodents, birds or other animals that eat meat metah.Eating meat contaminated raw or undercooked cooked.No clean wash fruit or vegetables that have been contaminated by manure.Children born to mothers who contaminated, it is because the parasite can pass through the bloodstream and infect the fetus.Toxoplasma is generally removed from the cat's body through the feces and not from the feathers. In addition, most cases of toxoplasmosis generally occurs due to eating eating raw or undercooked meat that had been infected.
Still does not mean one does not need to keep your pet cat hygiene, because it knew some important things in caring for cats for Toxoplasma to avoid are:
Avoid direct contact with dirt, if you want to clean the litter box should use gloves and wash hands afterwards. And diligently cleaning the feces 1-2 times a day and use a special sand for cat excrement.Give dry or wet food that is specifically for cats and avoid giving raw foods such as fish or meat.Keep cats indoors to prevent it eating mice or other animals that may be contaminated.Bathe the cat at least 3 times in a month or once a week using cat shampoo, and dry the fur to dry.Give a vaccine for cats according to age, to give the vaccine to prevent toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis and cats also can be given a rabies vaccine.If the cat shows signs of illness such as no appetite, more quiet or less agile, colds or diarrhea, then immediately consult your veterinarian.Also do not forget to always wash their hands every time you play or contact with cats.With cats and also maintain the cleanliness of the cage, the cat can be safe for animals maintained


Unique Dog Who Only Eat Potatoes!

Dogs still usually have a habit of running, chasing a cat or other fun things are wont to do dogs.

But not so with Joey, Alsatian-Collie dog breed. This one dog can not chase a cat, oreven adjacent to the cat. He also can not eat-dog food commonly eaten, such asmeat.

As reported by metro, Joey is very sensitive skin. Himself would suffer a rash if you eat meat or chase cats. Besides these two things, Joey was also not able to performother activities such as running on grass or into the water.

The owner, Lisa McCormack and Scott Muirhead forced to give her a diet of potatoesand porridge wrote, because there are only 2 things it wrote that do not make their dog allergies.

"Joey continued to experience pain and we do not know why. After 1 year vetchecked, we finally did a blood test to find out the cause.

The vet in our area in amazement. They have never come across such cases in dogsbefore, "said Scott.

Now are they just hoping that antibiotic treatment combined with special dog food canhelp avoid allergy is Joy.

"He looks better," added Lisa.

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Description

The Golden Retriever is a beautiful, sturdy, well-proportioned dog with a feathered, medium-length, cream to golden-colored coat. (The coat is not suppose to be red.) The outer coat is water-repellent and the undercoat is dense. The head is broad, with a tapering, but wide, powerful muzzle. It has a scissors bite and a clear frontal stop. The nose is black and the kindly eyes are brown with dark rims. The ears are medium-sized and pendant. Its neck and thighs are muscular and the chest is broad. The tail is long, but never curled.

Anak Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Temperament

These are lovable, well-mannered, intelligent dogs with a great charm. They are easily trained, and always patient and gentle with children. Loyal, confident, sweet and eager to please. It is active, loving and an outstanding family dog. Golden Retrievers enjoy pleasing their masters, so obedience training can be fun. They excel in obedience competitions. Friendly with everyone, including other dogs, the Golden Retriever has very little, if any, guarding instincts. While unlikely to attack, Goldens make good watchdogs, loudly signaling a stranger's approach. This breed needs to be around people to be happy. If isolated from human contact, or left alone for long periods of time, the Golden Retriever may become mischievous. They can be over-exuberant and distractible. Some of the Golden's talents are hunting, tracking, retrieving, narcotics detection, agility, competitive obedience, and performing tricks. These dogs also love to swim.

Jenis Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Height, Weight

Height: Dogs 22-24 inches (56-61 cm.) Bitches 20-22 inches (51-56 cm.)
Weight: Dogs 60-80 pounds (27-36 kg.) Bitches 55-70 pounds (25-32 kg.)

Foto Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Health Problems

Prone to hip dysplasia and congenital eye defects. OFA and CERF certification are important from both parents. Parents should also be checked for Von Willebrand's disease and heart problems. Skin allergies are common in Golden Retrievers and require immediate veterinary attention.

Gambar Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Living Conditions

This breed will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. They are moderately active indoors and will do best with at least a medium to large yard.

Anjing Ras Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Exercise

The Golden Retriever needs to be taken on a daily, brisk, long walk, jog or run alongside you when you bicycle. In addition, they like to retrieve balls and other toys. Be sure to exercise this dog well and do not overfeed, as he tends to put on weight.

Trah Anjing Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Life Expectancy

About 10-12 years

Golden Retriever Grooming

The smooth, medium-haired double coat is easy to groom. Comb and brush with a firm bristle brush, paying particular attention to the dense undercoat. Dry shampoo regularly, but bathe only when necessary. This breed is an average shedder.

Jenis Anjing Ras Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever Origin

The Golden Retriever was first developed in the British Isles, probably from crosses between a yellow Flat-Coated Retriever, light-coated Tweed Water Spaniels, other spaniels, setters and even the Newfoundland and possibly the Bloodhound. In fact the breed was first shown as a Golden Flat-Coat. The Golden is one of the world's foremost family companion dogs. Many of the top obedience competition dogs in the country are Golden retrievers. The Golden is also a fine bird dog on both land and in the water. He has an excellent nose and has been used not only for hunting and tracking, but also for narcotics detection. Because of his great desire to please and capacity for love and learning, the Golden Retriever is also used as a guide for the blind, therapy dog, and service dog for the disabled.

Golden Retriever Group

Gun Dog, AKC Sporting

Anjing Golden Retriever

Dogs German Shepherd (Herder)

German Shepherd Description
The German Shepherd Dog is well proportioned and very strong. The GSD has a sturdy, muscular, slightly elongated body with a light, solid bone structure. The head should be in proportion to its body, and the forehead a little rounded. The nose is most often black however, blue or liver still do sometimes occur, but is considered a fault and can not be shown. The teeth meet in a strong scissors bite. The dark eyes are almond-shaped, and never protruding. The ears are wide at the base, pointed, upright, and turned forward. The ears of puppies under six months may droop slightly. The bushy tail reaches almost to its hocks and hangs down when the dog is at rest. The front legs and shoulders are muscular and the thighs are thick and sturdy. The round feet have very hard soles. There are three varieties of the German Shepherd: rough-coated, long rough-coated, and the long-haired. The coat most often comes in black with tan, sable or all black, but also can come in blue, liver and white, but those colors are considered a fault according to most standards. White is not an acceptable color for the German Shepherd, however they are now being recognized as a separate breed, called the American White Shepherd. A piebald color has also occured in a single GSD bloodline which are now being called Panda Shepherds. A Panda is 35% white, the remainder of color is black and tan, and has no white German Shepherds in its ancestry.
anjing Herder

German Shepherd Temperament
Often used as working dogs, German Shepherds are courageous, keen, alert and fearless. Cheerful, obedient and eager to learn. Tranquil, confident, serious and clever. GSDs are extremely faithful, and brave. They will not think twice about giving their lives for their human pack. They have a high learning ability. German Shepherds love to be close to their families, but can be wary of strangers. This breed needs his people and should not be left isolated for long periods of time. They only bark when they feel it is necessary. Often used as police dogs, the German Shepherd has a very strong protective instinct, and are extremely loyal to their handler. Socialized this breed well starting at puppyhood. Aggression and attacks on people are due to poor handling and training. Problems arise when an owner allows the dog to believe he is pack leader over humans and or does not give the dog the mental and physical daily exercise they need to be stable. This breed needs owners who are naturally authoritative over the dog in a calm, but firm, confident and consistent way. A stable, well-adjusted, and trained dog is for the most part generally good with other pets and excellent with children in the family. They must be firmly trained in obedience from an early age. German Shepherds who have passive owners and or who's instincts are not being met can become timid, skittish and may be prone to fear biting and develop a guarding issue. They should be trained and socialized from an early age. German Shepherds will not listen if they sense that they are stronger minded than their owner, however they will also not respond well to harsh discipline. Owners need to have an air of natural authority to their demeanor. Do not treat this dog as if he were human. Learn canine instincts and treat the dog accordingly. German Shepherds are one of the smartest and most trainable breeds. With this highly skilled working dog comes a drive to have a job and a task in life and a consistent pack leader to show them guidance. They need somewhere to channel their mental and physical energy. This is not a breed who will be happy simply laying around your living room or locked out in the back yard. The breed is so intelligent and learns so readily that it has been used as a sheepdog, guard dog, in police work, as a guide for the blind, in search and rescue service, and in the military. The German Shepherd also excels in many other dog activities including schutzhund, tracking, obedience, agility, flyball, and ring sport. His fine nose can sniff out drugs and intruders, and can alert handlers to the presence of underground mines in time to avoid detonation, or gas leaks in a pipes buried 15 feet underground. The German Shepherd is also a popular show and family companion.
anjing Herder (German Shepherd)
German Shepherd Height, Weight
Height: Dogs 24-26 inches (60-65cm.) Females 22-24 inches (55-60cm.)
Weight: 77-85 pounds (35-40kg.)

German Shepherd Health Problems
Indiscriminate breeding has lead to hereditary diseases such as hip and elbow dysplasia, blood disorders, digestive problems, bloat, epilepsy, chronic eczema, keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), dwarfism and flea allergies.
German Shepherd Living Conditions
The German Shepherd will do okay in an apartment if sufficiently exercised. They are relatively inactive indoors and do best with at least a large yard.
German Shepherd Exercise
German Shepherd Dogs love strenuous activity, preferably combined with training of some kind, for these dogs are very intelligent and crave a good challenge. They need to be taken on a daily, brisk, long walk, jog or run alongside you when you bicycle. While out on the walk the dog must be made to heel beside or behind the person holding the lead, as in a dog's mind the leader leads the way, and that leader needs to be the human. Most shepherds love to play ball or Frisbee. Ten to fifteen minutes of fetching along with daily pack walks will tire your dog out quite nicely as well as give him a sense of purpose. Whether it is ball chasing, frisbee catching, obedience training, participation in a canine playgroup or just taking long walks/jogs, you must be willing to provide some form of daily, constructive exercise. The daily exercise must always include daily walks/jogs to satisfy the dogs migration instinct. If under-exercised and or mentally challenged, this breed can become restless and destructive. Does best with a job to do.
foto anjing Herder
German Shepherd Life Expectancy
Around 13 years.
German Shepherd Grooming
This breed sheds bits of hair constantly and is a seasonally heavy shedder. They should be brushed daily or you will have hair all over your home. Bathe only when necessary, over bathing can cause skin irritation from oil depletion. Check ears and trip claws regularly.
German Shepherd Origin
In Karlsruhe, Germany, Captian Max von Stephanitz and other dedicated breeders produced a responsive, obedient, and handsome German Shepherd using long-haired, short-haired, and wire-haired local herding and farm dogs from Wurtemberg, Thurginia, and Bavaria. The dogs were presented at Hanover in 1882, and the short-haired variety was first presented in Berlin in 1889. In April 1899, von Stephanitz registered a dog named Horan as the first Deutsche Schäferhunde, which means German Shepherd Dog in English. Until 1915, both long-haired and wire-haired varieties were shown. Today, in most countries, only the short coat is recognized for show purposes. The first GSD was shown in America in 1907 and the breed was recognized by the AKC in 1908. The German Shepherd dogs used in movies Rin-Tin-Tin and Strongheart brought a lot of attention to the breed making it very popular.
German Shepherd Group
Herding, AKC Herding
German Shepherd Recognition
anjing Herder

Mad Dog Disease (Rabies) and Pencegahanya

Hydrophobia (rabies) is an acute infectious disease, attacks the central nervous system, caused by rabies virus Rhabdho type virus that can attack any warm-blooded animals and humans. The disease is most feared and disturb the tranquility of human life, because if once the clinical symptoms of rabies occur it usually ends with death.

HOW Transmission
Rabies virus other than contained in the central nervous system, was also present in the saliva of animals with rabies patients. Therefore, transmission of rabies in humans or other animals through bites. Symptoms of rabies in animals occur approximately 2 weeks (10 days - 8 weeks). While in humans 2-3 weeks to 1 year.The period of these shoots can be faster or longer depending on
In and severity of bite woundsLocation of bite woundsNumber of nerves around the bite wound.Pathogenitas and the number of viruses that enter through the bite.Jumla bite wounds.In Indonesia, the animals used to spread the disease of rabies are:
Symptoms of the disease was known in 3 forms:
Malignant form (Furious rabies)Long excitation period, most will die within 2-5 days after signs appear.The signs are often seen:- Animals become fearful or become fierce.- Glad to hide in places that cold, dark and aloof, but can become aggressive.- Not according to employer's orders.- Appetite loss.- Saliva melt uncontrollably.- Animals will attack the objects around it and take the goods, foreign objects such as stones, wood etc..- Attacking and biting anything that moves goods encountered.- Seizures-convulsions followed by paralysis.- Tail of 2 (two) thigh.Form of silent (Dumb Rabies)Short-term excitation, rapid paralysis occurs.The signs are often seen:- Hiding in the dark and cool temapat- Seizures-convulsions lasted very briefly, bahakan often not visible.- Paralyzed, unable to swallow, mouth open.- Saliva out continuously (excessive).- Dead.Asystomatis form.Animals do not show symptoms of illness.Animals die suddenlySIGNS OF MAD DOG DISEASE IN CATS
Symptoms or signs that look almost the same in dogs, such as: - Hide yourself.- Lots of meows.- Scratching the floor.- Be aggressive.- 2-4 days after the first symptoms usually occur paralysis, especially in the back.
In humans the important note is a history of bites from animals such as dogs, cats and monkeys.Continuing with the symptoms of loss of appetite, headache, could not sleep, high fever, nausea or vomiting.The existence of a burning sensation (pain) in place of the bite and became nervous.Fear of water, loud noise, light and wind.Saliva and tears out excess.Convulsions followed by paralysis.Usually the patient will die 4-6 days after clinical symptoms or signs of disease first arose.
If someone bitten by animals suspected of rabies, then the actions to be taken are:
Wash the bite wound with soap ata with detergent for 5-10 minutes under running water / flush. Then the wounds were given 70% alcohol or iodine tincture. After that, go immediately to the nearest health center or doctor for treatment while pending the results of animal observation home.Report to the local Animal Husbandry Department officials about the case penggigitan.Animals that bite sent home observation of animal Husbandry Department, Fisheries and Marine DKI Jakarta to be observed and checked his health as long as 10-14 days. Animal Observation house on Jl. RM Harsono No. 28 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, South Jakarta. Phone: 7805447.If the biting animal is unknown or can not be found, then people who tergigigit be taken to a special hospital Dr infection. Saroso Jl. New, Sunter Agung, Tanjung Priuk, North Jakarta, Tel: 6401413 or the Quarantine Hospital Jl. Kyai Caringin No. 7 Tanah Abang, Central Jakarta, Tel: 342 934.DO WE NEED TO KEEP OUR pets (dogs, cats, monkeys) infected NOT CRAZY DOG
Keeping pets properly.Bringing animals into the Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Office of the local or veterinary practice, to get vaccinated against rabies on a regular basis 1-2 times a year depending on the type of vaccine used.After the animal is vaccinated, ask for a certificate of vaccination.Reported its ownership to the Tribe Department of Animal Husbandry and Fisheries / District Livestock Officer.Dogs, cats, monkeys, pets should not be removed out of the yard.Where will bring home a pet out of the yard, should be tied with a chain-length 2 m long and installed a muzzle.RATE OF LIVESTOCK AND FISHERIES DEPARTMENT IN IMPLEMENTING CENTRAL JAKARTA DISEASE PREVENTION AND ERADICATION OF MAD DOG
Implement vaccination / anti-rabies immunization of dogs, cats, monkeys routinely 1-2 times a year depending on the vaccine used.Implement enforcement / arrest dogs, cats, monkeys that roam the streets, in places temapat general and is considered dangerous to humans.Implement safeguards against every case penggigitan by dogs, cats, monkeys and animals suspected of having rabies were reported by observing the animal.Implement continuous extension to the public about rabies.REGULATION OF LEGISLATION ON RABIES
Since 1926 the government has issued regulations on rabies in dogs, cats and monkeys. Namely Hondsdol heid Staatblad Ordinance No. 452 in 1926 and its implementation is contained in Gazette No. 452 1926.Furthermore, the Ordinance has been changed / customized additions to existing developments. In DKI Jakarta Governor Decree No. there. 3213 of 1984 regarding Procedure Control Pet Dogs, Cats and Monkey in Jakarta area which contains, among other:
Liabilities pet owners to animal and hung memvaksin peneng sign tax paid.Capture and hand over the animal if it bites a person to be observed.Animals that are left loose and is considered illegal or suspected of rabies will be arrested by law enforcement officers.Success or failure of rabies control efforts are very closely related to awareness, knowledge and participation of communities in Greater Jakarta and surrounding areas.


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