Saturday, April 30, 2011


A bit strange why the green grass for cats. Maybe this is one habit that many cats are not known by his owner. The grass is still fresh and green leafy cat is very useful for digestion. Apparently cats also need green vegetables and fresh for his digestion.cats are very obliged to eat grass at least 1 month. Grass is the preferred by the cat is not hard to find, you can pick on your home page or in places that in tumbuhi weeds. Or if you are confused what to choose what type of grass in your pet like a cat, you just take your cat to a page that many in tumbuhi grass and let loose your cats do you find your own cat grass which in liked. Cats do not require a lot of eating grass, cats need only sparingly.

Grass eaten by a cat that is useful to help the digestion process, especially for memabantu cat out the hairs that swallowed the cat licking its feathers. Feathers have ever ingested each day will clot in pencernananya the cat, well it functions to help weed out clumps cat hairs or commonly called Hairboll. Therefore, if the lump hairs that exist in the digestion is not removed will affect the growth and health of your cat.As a result of hairboll lot, among others, the cats will decrease appetite, difficulty Cats utuk pup, causing Batuk2 in cats and limp.
If you live in areas where no grass, you can get it from the city anda.Biasanya petshop2 petshop2 also provide dried grass or grass-containing foods are of course very good for the cat
Well I hope after you read this, you will better know how to keep and care for the cat.Do not let things that seem trivial to be your problem also for the health of your pet cat.Hopefully what I write is particularly useful for teman2 all cat lovers

Cat Food Cheap and high nutritious

Expensive cat food? even more expensive than eating our own?If you want a little trouble (and smell fishy) we can make themselves at a cost of up to one-tenth of the usual cat food packaging sold packaging.The recipe is easy. Let's start ..
The main ingredients of this recipe is the evaporation of fresh fish / still good condition and not stale.This fish can be bought in the market with price range around 3000-6000 a box whose contents between 4 (if gede2) to 5 (if kecil2). Half pindang a big fish can make 1 time eating 1 adult cats. So if one day eat 2x means a tail for a day. If pindangnya including smaller then 1 head for a meal. This is already the size of which include "greedy" so it can still be diirit again according to the level of "to-rakusan" your cat.
So what do we do with this pindang fish?The second ingredient is, fistful of rice. Yes, cabik2 pindang and mix them with rice as smooth as possible. Maybe it will feel jijay awal2 because raw fish know it is ... fishy.But hold on!! For the sake of living allowance and continuation of your cat XD hihihi
Appropriate comparison between the fish and rice pindang there are no standards for sure. I usually for half a tail or a tail big pindang small evaporation, mixed with a lump of rice or one Entong (shearwaters rice). For the experiment, the first day give your cats with dough that has been made. If eaten until they run out, the next day reduce the percentage of evaporation and multiply his rice. If still exhausted the next day also cut again. * After a long time there pindangnya ga even eat too ya ... sorry for the cat * yes laah guns ... Well if the last reduction guns were eaten, then the comparison portion sebelumnyalah the most fitting and most economical
The above recipe is already 4 month I applied to my cat at home. And sehat2 aja tuh ^ ^ even now already have 4 children. Although one child dead wild cat attacked gara2 Anak2nya I also love the same recipe and they gemuk2 now
About the fishy smell that decorate your jari2 (khekhekhe..) Relaxed aja, wash with laundry soap as much as possible, the smell will disappear. replaced with the smell of scented soap. Well his name is also sacrifice ... no one sia2 kok hehehe .... Ok good luck.


3 interesting facts about cats

It must be crowded among us like cats and some are afraid or amused by this benign animal. them know you are but there are some interesting things about cats
1. In Bukhari's Hadith, Ibn Umar narrated radiallahuanhu-intentioned words of the Prophet: A woman entered Hell, kerana whack a cat, he does not drink, so feed him starve to death.
2. In any event, when a friend of the prophet named Abdul Rahman bin Sakhr see a kitten being mengiau kerana lost her mother. He is on his way to Masjid Nabawi, feel sorry for the kitten, then retrieve and meletaknya in big clothes beliau.Sesampainya at the mosque, Abdul Rahman king asked, what in her shirt? He replied kittens who lost mother, I took it kerana sorry for him. Then the king stage Abdul Rahman by Abu Hurairah (father of the cat). The event is not the slightest father cat menjejaskan maruah and reputation Abdul Rahman, in fact this is the most preferred title when his name is called, kerana prophet himself who gave the mat. Also, mat Abu Hurairah remind him to a charity that never did pass through his pious defense of a kitten.
3. A study was conducted at Universiti Atlanta in the United Sarekat against the patient's high-patient's blood, the family found that cats lower blood pressure versus animal families who do not defend it.
someone pulled out due to cats fed into hell, because cats are also prophets mengelarkan Abdul Rahman bin Sakhr as Abu Hurairah (father of cats) and cats caused the study also shows may reduce high blood pressure and stress.

source :

Monday, April 25, 2011

do not keep any animal

Jakarta, For those who like to keep farm animals or have a business, you should find out how to treat animals properly. Do not just keep animals for the owner is not exposed to zoonoses. 

Zoonoses are infectious diseases that occur naturally and are transmitted by animals to humans, but not close the possibility of human to animal. Zoonoses are divided into two: antropozoonosis infection from animals to humans and zooantroponosis infection from humans to animals. 

"So if you run out to buy a pet, stop by once to the bookstore to buy books right way of treating animals," said Director General of Disease Control and Environmental Health (P2PL) department of health, Prof.. Dr. Tjandra Yoga Aditama SPP (K) in an informal discussion with representatives of religious organizations in the Building Department of Health, Jakarta, Monday (7/9/2009). 

Dr. Tjandra added a lot of diseases caused by animals and can be dangerous animals such as rabies from dog, bird flu from poultry animals, animal plague of rats, Toxoplasma from furry animals such as dogs or cats and other diseases. 

Zoonoses can be avoided by knowing how to care for a pet is properly and accurately, and maintaining cleanliness of the animals that want to be maintained, including cleaning his cage. 

"To avoid this can be done by these animals with good governance, find out what diseases can be caused by these animals and know how to take care of that right," said Dr. Tjandra. 

Zoonotic diseases more or less there are 150 species in the world, but in Indonesia there are about 50 species. For a particular disease will usually develops during the rainy season or after a flood is usually referred to as a seasonal disease, such as bubonic plague, leptospirosis and other diseases. 

So, for those who want meemlihara animals do not just happy to be invited to play alone maintain. But it also must know how to treat the right thing, so free from diseases that might be caused by the animals themselves. 


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