Chihuahua dog breed is one that is quite difficult to develop. It takes a special experience, knowledge and patience to care for Chihuahua puppies. The size of Chihuahua puppies which can be considered safe enough is> 90 grams. If your puppy 90gram size above, you may feel a bit relieved because a greater chance of their lives. The size of the cartilage is said to> 80 grams. Not to say impossible to live, but their life expectancy to less than the size of more than 90 grams. For that we need to be more painstaking, patient and very careful care of them.
The things that need to be considered for a new Chihuahua puppy born:
Place them in a warm place. Can use a stack of several towels or electric warmers are placed under a towel. Can also use the lights sit about 10-15watt and placed 40cm from the tillers. Or if you did not get to buy the two items above, you can warm it in the back of the refrigerator (which is important there is no wind and the weather gets hot)Try to keep the parent stay fit by adding a portion of the food. If you use a dog food, you should replace it with the puppies (for protein for anak2nya).Often found parent situations and voters do not want to eat when breastfeeding. You can try to feed or supplement their food with beef or chicken for the parent to eat.If the mother produces less milk, you can add it by giving "Moloko B12" to the parent which can be obtained from the pharmacy. The dose should be consulted to the vet.And when the chicks are aged> 2 weeks, puppies can be fed infant formula (particularly dogs) according to dose. * This is only done when the milk from the parent is not sufficientDuring the 2-3 hours, you should check the state of the parent and child. Must be ensured anakanya is feeding enough. Try to touch her stomach, if still empty, you have to force him to suckle again. When her stomach was hard, meaning he was feeding well.For puppies who can not feed itself, you need an extra guard. Must restraints while pressing the mother's milk so that he can lick tetesannya.If he was able to taste and suck milk stop suppression parent, because he would choke and die. Let him suck himself, you just held it so as not to be separated from the female nipple.First 2 weeks of age who are still vulnerable, so you must be extra careful guard. Do not miss point2 above.3 weeks of age puppies already have immunity and can open his eyes. In fact, they begin to learn to stand on all fours. Momment is very eagerly awaited! Supervision can be reduced if the puppies are smart enough to feed themselves.Week 4, the chicks are strong enough to be given additional foods to prepare himself separated from the parent. First you can use the pulp of infants aged under 6bulan.Give it was pulp 1x a day for 2 days, then 2x a day for 4 days (can be mixed with dog food that has been diairkan to expand). Do continue in stages until the chicks are eating dog food.Separating seedlings from indukanya not be direct. Tillers can be separated in their own cage and fed soft dog food a day 4x. Try each day 1x menete on the parent. Do not let the parent left no menete 24h, since ation will become stale and toxic to children.Keep going until 2-3 days. Afterwards, all the chicks eat dog food.Usually the parent who is weak, to shiver because milk does not aspirated. This is reasonable, you do not need to worry. You can help reduce the pain by compressing tiap2 milk with a towel soaked in warm water. Do 2-3x a day.
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