One of the things feared by the owners of pets such as cats or dogs are infected with Toxoplasma. For that know-how to care for cats ways to avoid toxoplasmosis infection.
Some people choose cats as pets because it included a faithful animal, and animals that spoiled so nice to be stroked, and loved to play. But one thing that is feared when caring for a cat is infected with Toxoplasma.
Toxoplasma is a disease caused by infection with Toxoplasma gondii (T.gondii), which includes parasitic coccidian. In people who have normal immune system function may include mild infections experienced.
But if you attack people who have disorders of the immune system so the infection may be more severe and causes symptoms such as fever and enlarged lymph nodes.But in some people does not show symptoms and be detected only when melakuakn blood test.
Some things could be the cause of a person infected with the parasite Toxoplasma, as quoted from Kidshealth, Friday (02/18/2011), namely:
Touch or contact with feces of animals such as cats or dogs that are infected. Cats usually get this infection if you eat rodents, birds or other animals that eat meat metah.Eating meat contaminated raw or undercooked cooked.No clean wash fruit or vegetables that have been contaminated by manure.Children born to mothers who contaminated, it is because the parasite can pass through the bloodstream and infect the fetus.Toxoplasma is generally removed from the cat's body through the feces and not from the feathers. In addition, most cases of toxoplasmosis generally occurs due to eating eating raw or undercooked meat that had been infected.
Still does not mean one does not need to keep your pet cat hygiene, because it knew some important things in caring for cats for Toxoplasma to avoid are:
Avoid direct contact with dirt, if you want to clean the litter box should use gloves and wash hands afterwards. And diligently cleaning the feces 1-2 times a day and use a special sand for cat excrement.Give dry or wet food that is specifically for cats and avoid giving raw foods such as fish or meat.Keep cats indoors to prevent it eating mice or other animals that may be contaminated.Bathe the cat at least 3 times in a month or once a week using cat shampoo, and dry the fur to dry.Give a vaccine for cats according to age, to give the vaccine to prevent toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis and cats also can be given a rabies vaccine.If the cat shows signs of illness such as no appetite, more quiet or less agile, colds or diarrhea, then immediately consult your veterinarian.Also do not forget to always wash their hands every time you play or contact with cats.With cats and also maintain the cleanliness of the cage, the cat can be safe for animals maintained
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