You're menangkarkan canary? Difficulties in the process of marriage? Or do not also want to marry a male despite the female is equally visible lust? Do not be confused, here are some tips for you that Om Kicau absorption of a number of breeding birds, especially breeding Mas Klewer Sukoharjo Kuwat in the region.
The main requirement is simple, ie, in addition we have a male canary who are ready to sex and will be the alpha male, we also have to have another male canary which has also been gacor.
Tips and steps to wed walnuts
1. Never mix the males of females in a long time. That is, during the pairing to want to marry, should never be mixed in one cage.
2. When the male canary is completely in their daily gacor, and female genital ripe (red swollen cloaca visible) and has drawn up a nest in another cage, a new mating process begins.
3. If the conditions are pretty much what I mentioned above, then choose the morning after we finished cleaning and feeding all the baby, enter the male canary that was ready was the female canary cage.
4. If after you have inserted the male canary is not too soon to marry the female is willing to go up, take us another gacor walnuts, and bring to a male-female cage are we going marries.
5. When he saw a competitor come, usually a male canary will soon be "up" onto the female and mating occurs.
6. Let the male and female canaries were together until about 1 hour. In the span of time, usually occur 2-3 times or more marriages.
7. After point 6 is exceeded, separate male and female canaries, so that they do not see each other.
8. Repeat all steps above for 3 days. Well, after the 4-day mating period, male and female canaries do not need to be mixed again.Females will lay eggs and incubate their own eggs.
Tips and other info:
1. If we mated male and female canary in the morning, then after about 6 hours or late afternoon, the male can to marry another female canary, with the same process with the tips that I mentioned above.
2. If the canary male nor female seduce gacor soon though generally look healthy or walnuts are not too ripe female genital though it was over the age of 7 months; or egg-egg, walnuts are not content and therefore could not hatch, we need to ensure that the male can produce sperm which "contains" and female reproductive health is really the maximum. If we doubt how, just make sure we use the Bird Mature (click to see the profile of Bird Mature).
During the condition of the means of reproduction under normal circumstances, Bird Mature been shown to increase the perfection of the reproductive process of breeding birds. Not only walnuts, but all kinds of birds.
3. If the birds canary chicks we die easily, or often pengkor legs, flabby, because the immune system generally weak, we need to ensure that indukannya eating Bird Mineral.
Mineral Bird is not just good for puppies but also because Bird breeders Minerals makes strong hair, smooth, shiny after molting or alias ngurak moult, the bird is not exposed to rachitis (soft bones, twisted and abnormal); free paralysa (lame); free perosis(swollen ankles); make healthy chick hatched, the birds are not experiencing Achilles tendon (tendon); bird joint can not be separated, not divorced (luxatio); part is missed, no shortage of blood so pale and weak; birds in captivity may soon spawn,containing eggs, high productivity, high hatchability; low embryo mortality.
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